Friday, March 23, 2007

New Car

Ok I have found a car that I like enough and barley have enough money to purchase. I will give the detail later if I get it. I plan on going tomorrow after work and try get it. I am excited about it cause its nicer than what I thought I would get. I will post pictures tom. I am also selling my truck almost right away. My parents were just approved for a loan for the Bed & Breakfast in Mountain View. J.R. and Todd are moving to Acworth, GA. I am moving in with my grandparents in the ghetto. Some more of my friends are going away.

So many changes are happening all around me right now. I am scared cause I have no idea where I am going to go, but at the same time it makes me really excited to know that the doors are pretty much open for me to go any where and do anything. When I am done with school in another year the doors will be wide open. I just have a lot of studying of the Bible to do and praying.