You of little faith, some words from Jesus Himself. This is in Matthew where Peter asked Jesus if he could walk out to Him on the water. Jesus said yes, so he did and he trusted Jesus that He would keep him up. But Peter took his eyes off Him and got scared and stopped trusting Him, so he sank. Jesus saved him immediately and said, "You of little faith, why do you doubt?" Peter started out trusting Him and was excited about it but lost his focus.
I think that I do this a lot. A lot of people won't trust Him or are afraid to from the beginning, but Peter and I are alike. We start trusting and having faith, he proves himself but some how in the process we lose focus and fall. Thank God in Heaven that Jesus is right there to save me. I some how do this more than I should.
God proves Himself over and over again, but I still have trouble trusting Him. As Mark Batterson say that if we just step out on faith and learn to trust outside of what makes us feel comfortable then it will just get easier. The problem is that most people don't ever take that first act of trust to begin the process.
I want Trusting God to become a habit in my life. I don't mean in a routine type of way, but more of something that I am and that I learn to do often. I want to, deep inside, take a step out on faith and take the risk that so many others run from. I don't want to be stuck in my comfort zone the rest of my life and miss out on the amazing things that God wants to do with me. The only problem is that I have that part of me that is scared, we all have that part of us, but its weather you chose to listen to it that makes the difference.