Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Early This Time

Ok this is weird cause I usually don't post (if I do at all) till the afternoon, but I have found that if I do that people won't read it till the next day. Plus there is never any one at my work on wed.'s. So here I am.

Last night I was on my computer on iTunes looking at and listening to The Fray CD cause I found out last night that they are a Christian band that loves Jesus very much. I read some interviews that were on the internet that some people have had with the lead singer. It was obvious at the end of it all that they are Christians. Anyways I was sitting there listening and eating ice cream, that I didn't need, when a good friend of mine called. This person was upset, I could tell even though they didn't admit it at first. I some what got it out of them what was wrong and so on. We talked for a while, which the best part is this, I have tried talking to them about getting right with God. And to turn and face him. This made me really happy cause I am almost sure that they listened. Before when I tried to talk they would just tell me that they just didn't want to talk about God and getting right. This person knew that they weren't on the right track. And if you are reading this (You know who you are) I hope that you were listening and I hope what I said had some kind of impact.
Now all that to say this, so many people are afraid to turn and face God, so to speak, because they think that He is standing right behind them wanting so he can bash them for being stupid and make them feel horrible and yell at them and so on. This is not true, He is standing right behind you but not waiting to bash you but so he can embrace you and love on you and tell you that He loves you so much. He doesn't want you to turn from Him cause He know that it only leads to pain and heart ache. There are still consequences for our actions, if not then we would just lead right back into that sin. God hates sin but loves us so much. Why would he ever want or let something that He loves so much be with something that he hates and destroys us. He knows what can happen if we continue walking away. I am asking you that if this is you, stop turning you back on some one who loves you so much and wants to help you change. So many people have the wrong concepctions about God. What is really funny is that J.R.'s message tonight is about just that. How people think if God the wrong way all the time. I want to say what the two he is preaching on but I will prob. do that tom. I really wish people would just forget about all these worldly things and just give everything in learning about God and focusing on Him.

Monday, November 27, 2006

derob tsuj

I am really bored right now as you can tell from my headline which I decided to type in backwards. Ok I just got through reading J.R.'s blog and its pretty funny cause I have seen the upset J.R. at the basketball games from last season. I am pretty upset cause I have to work on sat. mornings which is when they play. But may be I will get lucky and get to see J.R. yell at the girls and guys. Yes I said that thats what I would be watching, J.R. not the games cause I like sports and all but I would much rather watch him.

Ok in other news I have been praying pretty hard for our church for a few reasons:

1. We are looking for a pastor which is a really big deal and has become a much bigger deal to me as I move forward in Christian walk. I am really concerned for the fact that most churchs look for a guy that "looks" good and not one that is completely consumed with God. Although if you can find one that is not goofy looking that is consumed with God that would be great. But if you do some research you will find that one of the most dynamic men of God was not to pretty himself. He was short around 5'3'' or so, a big huge nose, smelled funny and always scruffhy looking. His name was Paul. I want the word of God not what makes me and the rest of the church feel good about our selves. But the good news is this, I do trust those who are on our pastors search committee. I know some of them personally and I know that they will go after only those who are passionate about God. Which makes me very happy about who they will be looking for.

2. 95% of the churches in America (probably more) are not even preaching Gods word but instead pick out and twist it to make it seem like everything is ok and God loves you and is never mad and always has grace on you and never wrath or justice. Thats a bunch of crap. God hates sin therefore he hates when we sin and there are consequences for our actions. Some say that there are more people in church when you preach the way most do, which I agree, so there are more people in church on there way to Hell now, cause being in church doesn't mean anything. They will go to Hell cause we don't preach that people must turn from their sin so they don't have to face God's judgement and He won't throw them in Hell. But that might hurt someones feelings so that would be a bad idea, so instead we let them think that they are saved cause they said a prayer sometime in there life and because they go to church. Now we are actually ushering people into Hell, so I want to give a thumbs up to the churchs in America for this. WHAT THE CRAP ARE WE DOING!!!! We have to start telling them the truth and feeding them Gods word. If they don't turn and repent they WILL go to Hell. Maybe I am just a little upset but if we don't do something soon millions of people are in trouble. I don't want that. I want these people to go to heaven and worship and praise God.

3. I am praying for there to be a huge move of God to where people will fall to their faces in humbleness. And for Him to touch peoples lives to the effect that they will never forget no matter what that might be.

P.S. If you have not figured it out yet my Title for this post is "Just Bored"