Thursday, October 26, 2006

Another Stinkin Test

Ok I had another test in Math class today. And I hope that I did well, but I don't want to say anything cause (for anyone that doesn't read all my blogs) I put in a previous blog that I thought I did really well and that it was easy, or so I thought. Then I ended up get a bad grade on it. This stuff is easier than the last one but I am still going to keep my mouth shut. I am just going to be nervous about getting it back.

On other news Stevie Flockhart is through with his first song and J.R. and I had the privilege of hearing it first. It was really good. I am happy for the fact he is finally going to be getting an actual CD. So now we don't have to listen to him "TALK" about putting one out. LOL JK Stevie. But really it was good and if you don't know him but you listen to Christian music like Chris Tomlin, Todd Aganew, or Newsong, you will be hearing about him in the next year or two.

And last but not least, last night was, music wise, better than last week. We had a pianist last night. He did more effects and background fills for the music than anything else but it added a lot to the songs. The people, for what ever reason, weren't into it as much. There were still more than the usual that actually opened up and worship without care, which is awesome that they did. Next week is going to be good, J.R. is going to teach them how to not be afraid of telling people about Jesus or inviting them to church. I have been praying hard for our church and the high school ministry that God would move in a way that He has never done before, just for Him to touch people hearts to where they are in an absolute awe of God. For them to just know him in a way that they, as high school students, never thought they could. I want that so bad for people. I have come to place that I never thought of or know I could be at with God. There is no way to explain it but for the simple fact that God is more awesome than I have ever thought of Him before. If you are just sitting around being a mediocre Christian, I am telling you to get off your butt and get into Gods word and just focus on Him.

P.S. I know this is completely changing pace but the Vols are rocking the house this year and are blowing everyone’s mind. They are going to win the Bowl game.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Ok its already pretty boring here in the small town of Millington, TN but when it rains you pretty much don't see anyone at all (or atleast at my work). I work at an indirect verizon store and wed. are our slowest days any ways. So on those days when it rains no one comes in. P.O.S is the sys.we use to ring up sales. Usually there are a good 10 to 15 sales of just anything but today so far its 3. Two of which are swaps, so we just gave some one something. And the last is a payment, so we haven't made one dime to day. Thats sucks and makes me do crazy cause THERE IS NOTHING TO DO!!!!!!!!!!

On the other hand I am excited about tonight cause of course its Wed. night. Looking forward to tonight is the only thing keeping me sane at this point LOL. Last Wed night was the best I have ever seen or heard. The atmosphere was unbelievable. The sprit of worship filled the entire room which in turn lead more than half the room in total praise towards GOD. Its was awesome. Tonight, after seeing last nights band pratice, is looking to be the same. GOD is definitely doing something and moving in the high school ministry. We have parents asking if they can come and (not help out) but just sit in cause their kids have told them how awesome it is. I am so freakin pumped about to night and what GOD is going to do. If you are looking for a place where you are welcome no matter what the case maybe come to Crosspointe Baptist Church in Millington, TN on Wed. nights at 6:45 to the H2O room. I promise it will blow your mind. It is a free enviorment where everyone is welcome not just to come but to be your self and not put on a front for people in a church. Thats not what GOD wants. He wants you to come to him just as you are. I really could just go on and on but I will say this. Last night when they were practicing I found myself wanting to weep when they sang the song "Jesus' Blood Never Fails Me" Thats is a great song.

P.S. Just wanted to say Thanks to Todd Lollis( the first person ever to mention me in a Blog LOL.