Sunday, September 17, 2006

Its late

Well there is a lot I want to say but its late and I have to get up in the morning and work out. But I will still say a little bit cause I am afraid I won't feel like typing tom. At our church we pretty much have an amazing student pastor who challeges students to look past what they have been told and realize that the church they go to isn't neccsarly correct in the way things are done or even what they believe. Now let me just say that I am not saying what you believe is right for you, Jesus is Lord and savior no matter what. But so many chruches make it seems as though you have to be a certain way or look a certain way or what ever the case may be. The point is that they are so caught up in the nonsense that they forget about the lost guy that never or rarly ever comes to church and feels uncomfortable because of the fact that we make it seem as if you do have to follow this guidelines before steping into a church. Now to us (Christians) a lot of things seem to make sense and we forget what it was like to be lost and to think the way they do. So therfore the lost person that comes into the church is confushed and uncomfortable because we are doing what makes sense to us not to them. which in turn can and will turn them off when they walk in. There is much more I want to say but I will end on this I promise when we get to heaven God isn't going to tell you to remove your piericings: ear, nose, eye brow, or tatoos, ect.( and I know that we probably won't even have them but I just wanted to make a point. Times change and with that fashion changes as well. Get Over IT.


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